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The TimeDefinition class contains all temporal data needed for an OSeMOSYS model. There are multiple pathways to creating a TimeDefinition object, where any missing information is inferred from the data provided.

Only a single instance of TimeDefinition is needed to run a model and, as a minimum, only years need to be provided to create a TimeDefinition object.

The other parameters corresponding to the OSeMOSYS time related sets (seasons, timeslices, day_types, daily_time_brackets) can be provided as lists or ranges.

One parameter additional to those correponsding to OSeMOSYS parameters is used , adj, which specified the adjency matrices for years, seasons, day_types, daily_time_brackets, timeslices. If not providing values for adj, it is assumed that the other variables are provided in order from first to last. If providing the values directly, these can be provided as a dict, an example of which for years and timeslices is below:

adj = {
    "years": dict(zip(range(2020, 2050), range(2021, 2051))),
    "timeslices": {"A": "B", "B": "C", "C": "D"},

Pathway 1 - Construction from years only

If only years are provided, the remaining necessary temporal parameters (seasons, day_types, daily_time_brackets) are assumed to be singular.

Pathway 2 - Construction from parts

If no timeslice data is provided, but any of the below is, it is used to construct timeslices: - seasons - daily_time_brackets - day_types - year_split - day_split - days_in_day_type

Pathway 3 - Construction from timeslices

If timeslices are provided via any of the below parameters, this is used to construct the TimeDefinition object: - timeslices - timeslice_in_timebracket - timeslice_in_daytype - timeslice_in_season


id (str): Any value may be provided for the single TimeDefintion instance. Required parameter.

years (List[int] | range(int)) | int: OSeMOSYS YEARS. Required parameter.

seasons (List[int | str]) | int: OSeMOSYS SEASONS. Optional, constructed if not provided.

timeslices (List[int | str]) | int: OSeMOSYS TIMESLICES. Optional, constructed if not provided.

day_types (List[int | str]) | int: OSeMOSYS DAYTYPES. Optional, constructed if not provided.

daily_time_brackets (List[int | str]): OSeMOSYS DAILYTIMEBRACKETS. Optional, constructed if not provided.

year_split ({timeslice:{year:float}}): OSeMOSYS YearSplit. Optional, constructed if not provided.

day_split ({daily_time_bracket:{year:float}}): OSeMOSYS DaySplit. Optional, constructed if not provided.

days_in_day_type ({season:{day_type:{year:int}}}): OSeMOSYS DaysInDayType. Optional, constructed if not provided.

timeslice_in_timebracket ({timeslice:daily_time_bracket}): OSeMOSYS Conversionlh. Optional, constructed if not provided.

timeslice_in_daytype ({timeslice:day_type}): OSeMOSYS Conversionld. Optional, constructed if not provided.

timeslice_in_season ({timeslice:season}): OSeMOSYS Conversionls. Optional, constructed if not provided.

adj ({str:dict}): Parameter to manually define adjanecy for years, seasons, day_types, daily_time_brackets, and timeslices. Optional, if not providing values for adj, it is assumed that the other variables are provided in order from first to last.


Examples are given below of how a TimeDefinition object might be created using the different pathways.

Pathway 1 - Construction from years only

from tz.osemosys.schemas.time_definition import TimeDefinition

basic_time_definition = dict(
    years=[2021, 2022, 2023],


Pathway 2 - Construction from parts

from tz.osemosys.schemas.time_definition import TimeDefinition

basic_time_definition = dict(
    years=range(2020, 2051),
    seasons=["winter", "summer"],
    daily_time_brackets=["morning", "day", "evening", "night"],


Pathway 3 - Construction from timeslices

from tz.osemosys.schemas.time_definition import TimeDefinition

basic_time_definition = dict(
    years=range(2020, 2051),
    timeslices=["A", "B", "C", "D"],
        "years": dict(zip(range(2020, 2050), range(2021, 2051))),
        "timeslices": dict(zip(["A", "B", "C"], ["B", "C", "D"])),
