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The Commodity class contains all data related to commodities (OSeMOSYS 'FUEL'), including demands and tags for whether the commodity is counted as renewable or part of the reserve margin . One Commodity instance is given for each commodity.

Commodities can either be final energy demands, or energy carriers which link technologies together, or both.


id (str): Used to represent the commodity name.

demand_annual ({region:{year:float}}) - OSeMOSYS AccumulatedAnnualDemand/ SpecifiedAnnualDemand. Specified for commodities which have an associated demand. Optional, defaults to None.

demand_profile ({region:{year:{timeslice:float}}) - OSeMOSYS SpecifiedDemandProfile. Specified for a demand which varies by timeslice. If demand_annual is given for a commodity but demand_profile is not, the demand is treated as having an accumulated demand, which must be met for each year within any combination of timeslices. Optional, defaults to None.

is_renewable ({region:{year:bool}}) - OSeMOSYS RETagFuel. Boolean tag to mark commodities which are considered as renewable for applying renewable generation targets. Optional, defaults to None.


A simple example of electricity demand data specified by region, years, and timeslices is given below, along with how it can be used to create an instance of the Commodity class:

from tz.osemosys.schemas.commodity import Commodity

basic_demand_profile = dict(
    demand_annual={"R1": {"2020": 5, "2021": 5, "2022": 5}},
        "R1": {
            "2020": {"0h": 0.0, "6h": 0.2, "12h": 0.3, "18h": 0.5},
            "2021": {"0h": 0.0, "6h": 0.2, "12h": 0.3, "18h": 0.5},
            "2022": {"0h": 0.0, "6h": 0.2, "12h": 0.3, "18h": 0.5},


This model can be expressed more simply using the wildcard * for dimensions over which data is repeated:

basic_demand_profile = dict(
    demand_annual={"*": 5},
    demand_profile={"*": {"0h": 0.0, "6h": 0.2, "12h": 0.3, "18h": 0.5}},


check_demand_exists_if_profile - This enforces that if demand_profile is defined for a region and year, demand_annual must also be defined.