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The OperatingMode class contains data related to one specific operating mode and one specific technology. Any instance of the OperatingMode class is always a parameter of a Technology class.


id (str): Used to represent the operating mode name. Equivalent to the OSeMOSYS set MODE_OF_OPERATION.

opex_variable ({region:{year:float}}) - OSeMOSYS VariableCost. Cost of a technology for a given mode of operation (Variable O&M cost), per unit of activity. Optional, defaults to None.

emission_activity_ratio ({region:{impact:{year:float}}}) - OSeMOSYS EmissionActivityRatio. Emission factor of a technology per unit of activity. Optional, defaults to None.

input_activity_ratio ({region:{commodity:{year:float}}}) - OSeMOSYS InputActivityRatio. Rate of use of a commodity by a technology, as a ratio of the rate of activity. Optional, defaults to None.

output_activity_ratio ({region:{commodity:{year:float}}}) - OSeMOSYS OutputActivityRatio. Rate of commodity output from a technology, as a ratio of the rate of activity. By convention this usually takes a value of 1.0 for technologies producing a commodity, and efficiency is added to the model via input_activity_ratio. Optional, defaults to None.

to_storage ({region:{storage:bool}}) - OSeMOSYS TechnologyToStorage. Boolean parameter linking a technology to the storage facility it charges. It has value True if the technology and the storage facility are linked, False otherwise. Optional, defaults to None.

from_storage ({region:{storage:bool}}) - OSeMOSYS TechnologyFromStorage. Boolean parameter linking a storage facility to the technology it feeds. It has value True if the technology and the storage facility are linked, False otherwise. Optional, defaults to None.


Below is the OperatingMode example taken from Technology class example for a coal powerplant.

from import OperatingMode

basic_operating_mode = dict(
    # $mn20/Mt.coal / 8.14 TWh/Mt coal * 8760 GWh/GW / 0.3 /1000 GWh/TWh (therm eff)
    opex_variable=20 / 8.14 * 8760 / 0.3 / 1000,  # $71/GW/yr
    output_activity_ratio={"electricity": 1.0},
        "CO2": 0.354 * 8760 / 1000  # Mtco2/TWh * 8760GWh/Gw/yr /1000 GWh/TWh
