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The Trade class contains all data related to trade routes (OSeMOSYS 'TradeRoute'). One Trade instance is given for each commodity (OSeMOSYS 'FUEL') that can be traded. The Trade class contains parameters additional to those found in base OSeMOSYS related to trade. These are based on the new parameters introduced in the below paper:

These new parameters allow trade to be modelled in a way which is more similar to technologies, with capacities, capital costs, and maximum allowable investments.


id (str) - Used to describe the type of trade, e.g. electricity transmission, LNG trade. Required parameter.

commodity (str) - The commodity which can be traded. Must match the commodities in the commodities classes. Required parameter.

trade_routes ({region:{region:{year:bool}}}) - Boolean linking the regions which may trade the given commodity. By default is a unidirectional link, so that the link must be specified in both directions to allow bilateral trade. Required parameter, defaults to False for links not specified.

trade_loss ({region:{region:{year:float}}}) - Percentage of a commodity which is lost when traded between regions (given as a decimal). Optional, defaults to 0.

residual_capacity ({region:{region:{year:float}}}) - Residual trade capacity, given in capacity units. Note that any residual capacities will only work unidirectionally. Optional, defaults to 0.

capex ({region:{region:{year:float}}}) - Overnight investment cost per trade capacity unit. Optional, defaults to 0.00001.

capacity_additional_max ({region:{region:{year:float}}}) - Maximum capacity investment of the given trade route. Optional, defaults to None.

operating_life ({region:{region:{year:int}}}) - Integer value of operating life in years for the given trade route. Optional, defaults to 1.

cost_of_capital ({region:region}) - Cost of capital (discount rate) for investments in the given trade route. Optional, defaults to 0.1.

construct_region_pairs (bool) - Boolean parameter which, is set as True, will take the given input data and duplicate it for the opposite region:region direction if not already provided. E.g. providing trade_routes = {"R1": {"R2": {"COMMODITY": {"2020": True}}}} and setting the construct_region_pairs parameter to True will then construct trade_routes as: trade_routes = { "R1": {"R2": {"COMMODITY": {"2020": True}}}, "R2": {"R1": {"COMMODITY": {"2020": True}}}, }


A simple example of a trade route for commodity 'electricity' is shown below. It includes 2 regions, with electricity being marked as tradable in either direction between the 2 using the construct_region_pairs parameter:

from import Trade

basic_trade = dict(
    id="electricity trade",
    trade_routes={"R1": {"R2": {"*": True}}},
    capex={"R1": {"R2": {"*": 100}}},
    operating_life={"R1": {"R2": {"*": 5}}},
    trade_loss={"R1": {"R2": {"*": 0.1}}},
